Brookline Thrives Summer Update

Brookline Thrives

From Sharon Brockmann, Brookline Thrives Manager:

Hello Everyone,

On this lovely, incredibly warm, Tuesday afternoon I have been working on the end of year reports, and family and staff surveys. Here are just two of my favorite quotes from the surveys:

"This has been so helpful. My husband and I both work full time, but in the last few years as the cost of almost everything has increased, we have gone into more and more debt. Having the bags from Thrives really helped us to spend less at the grocery store, and allowed our kids to have nicer snacks than what we are able to provide ourselves."

"I love this program. It is nice to know that someone is thinking about my students even when they are not in school."

I’ll sign off for the summer with a graphic showing the final Thrives numbers that YOU all helped to achieve. They're a great reminder of what a valuable resource Thrives is to the children and families of Brookline. All my best, Sharon

Brookline Thrives 2023-2024 School Year by the Numbers

Summer Volunteer Opportunities

Please consider helping the Brookline Food Pantry. Many of the Pantry's regular volunteers are away during the summer, so extra help is always needed. If interested, please email the Pantry's operations manager, Arielle Chernin ( If you volunteer with Thrives, please mention that in your email.

Brookline Thrives is a program of the Brookline Food Pantry.


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