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Hayes Science Fair 2025!

What an amazing community event

What an incredible day we had at our 6th Annual Science Fair on Saturday March 1st! A huge congratulations to all of our students for their hard work, creativity, and inspiring ideas - their dedication and enthusiasm truly shined and made it onto Brookline News!

We invite you to enjoy this year's impressive projects and judges' comments here: Hayes Science Fair 2025 Projects.

We were also treated to an extraordinary visit in our cafeteria by a special whale, Salt, and her incredible marine-scientist companions! A heartfelt thank you to the NOAA team for sharing their expertise and passion with our students. It was truly a magical experience!

A huge thank you to all the parents, teachers, administrators, judges, and administrators who helped make this event possible - your support, encouragement, and dedication make our Hayes community so special.

And a special thank-you to our veteran Science Fair Committee who year after year make the magic happen: Daryl Donatelli (Committee lead); Jon Bass (judge coordinator); Yen-Lin Chen (NOAA visit organizer and workshop leader); Lisa Yuen Rhoads (t-shirts); Mr. Patel (student outreach); Lisa Kang and Theodora Konetsovska (middle-school field trip); Saeed Amal (website).



SY24-25 Hopes and dreams wall

We revived an old PTO tradition - the wall of hopes and dreams for the new school year! For four months, students, parents and staff wrote inspiring, funny, heartwarming messages. It was great to see the wall grow -  THANK YOU to the 90+ contributors for their inspiration and heartfelt wishes!

Enjoy them all here: 

Hayes staff spotlight

Thank you for all the love you've shown for our new series introducing you to the awesome people who make our school tick!

Our 8th (!!!) participant is the amazing and incomparable first grade teacher: Ms. Redburn!!

Hayes PTO Community Meetings

We look forward to sharing updates and meeting with community members on select Friday mornings. In addition to information from Dr. Sevelius and the PTO teams, we will also host special speakers and offer opportunities for discussion.

Meetings will be in-person, at the school cafeteria, starting at 8:05 am. Many thanks to our room parents for providing coffee and morning treats!

Remaining meetings for SY24-25 are Mar 14 and May 16.

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Why support your PTO?

The Hayes Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Roland Hayes School. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!