Spring Staff Appreciation Luncheon 2024 Recap

Thank you to the Hayes School teachers and staff for all they do everyday for our community. As the school year comes to a close, the Hayes parent community honored our teachers and staff with a luncheon on Tuesday, June 4th. Parents cooked, baked, made donations, and volunteered their time to put together a delicious spread for the Hayes teachers to enjoy. Thank you to all the families that contributed and to Anabelle Skalleberg, Robin Gilula, and Katie Sawatzky (Parents in 2nd, 5th and 6th grades) for organizing.

The end of the year is a great time to take a moment to reach out to a teacher or staff member and let them know how much you appreciate their efforts. Write them a note, thank them in person, contribute to the room parent collection for an end-of-year gift, or express gratitude in whatever way feels right to you.

Hayes Spring Staff Appreciation Luncheon, June 2024 Hayes Spring Staff Appreciation Luncheon, June 2024 Hayes Spring Staff Appreciation Luncheon, June 2024 Hayes Spring Staff Appreciation Luncheon, June 2024Hayes Spring Staff Appreciation Luncheon, June 2024

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