Be a summer star! Brookline Adult & Community Education SmartSummers Theater Arts Program
Posted: 4/25/2024 11:51 am
Brookline Adult & Community Education SmartSummers Theater Arts Program and Theater Arts Jr. is open for registration! A part of the public schools of Brookline, students engage in acting, music, art, and dance, and work together to create an original musical based on popular children's stories and movies. We have programming for children ages 5-13. We have three two week sessions from July 8-August 16. Tuition assistance is available. Find out more details and registration information at:
This summer, our shows are based on The Jungle Book, The Lion King, and Madagascar. Email with any questions. We are celebrating our 20th year this summer!
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 14
- Wednesday, April 2
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 18
- Monday, April 21
- Tuesday, April 22
- Wednesday, April 23
- Thursday, April 24
- Friday, April 25
- Thursday, May 1
- Friday, May 16
Why support your PTO?
The Hayes Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Roland Hayes School. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!