PTO Fall 2023 Grants Improving Our School
Posted: 1/2/2024 1:54 pm
Some of the funds allocated in the PTO's 2023 Fall Grant Cycle have already begun to have a positive impact on our school community.
Comfortable Seating For Counseling Office (Carolyn Magnanti) - Fall 2023 Grant #1
"The new couch arrived faster than I expected and is now set up and ready for students! I'm so happy to be able to offer a more comfortable setting to students and families while they are receiving counseling support." -- Carolyn Magnanti, School Adjustment Counselor, Hayes School
Age Appropriate Adjustable Basketball Hoops (Lauren Stewart) - Fall 2023 Grant #12
"Thank you so much for awarding the PE department the grant for the age appropriate basketball hoops. We just received the hoops this week and already used them in class. The kids were so excited! I made 8 in! Seeing the excitement of their success is what it's all about (which is so motivating for them)! Thank you for everything you do for the school. It is so appreciated." -- Lauren Stewart, Physical Education Teacher, Hayes School
Upcoming Events
- Sunday, January 26
- Wednesday, January 29
- Saturday, February 1
- Tuesday, February 4
- Friday, February 7
- Saturday, February 15
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18
- Wednesday, February 19
- Thursday, February 20
- Friday, February 21
- Saturday, March 1
Why support your PTO?
The Hayes Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Roland Hayes School. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!