The ABC's of the MBTA-CA Warrant Articles

League of Women Voters of Brookline

The ABC's of the MBTA Communities Act Warrant Articles

Join the conversation on Wednesday, October 25. Town Meeting starts Nov. 14. Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Brookline, Brookline Neighborhood Alliance and Town Meeting Members Association.

  • STM 1, Article 4 - Dick Benka, Town Meeting Member Pct. 14
  • STM 4, Article 1 - Paul Warren, Select Board

Select Board Hearing Room on the 6th floor of Town Hall. Refreshments at 6:30 pm, event at 7:00. Broadcast, livestreamed, and recorded by BIG. Comcast channel 22, RCN channel 15. Livestream found at This will be a hybrid Zoom meeting — click here to join the Zoom.

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