The Porch Sessions Writing Workshop

Brookline, Washington Square neighborhood

Fall registration is now open for The Porch Sessions, an 8-week renewable weekly writing workshop for kids of all ages who love to write and want some practice having fun with creative writing in a small community of fellow writers.

Weekly meetings are 90 minutes long at my home after school and consist of a homemade snack and group writing time. Writers are given large hardcover blank books when they come for the first session. Workshop consists of the work of published authors read aloud and then a variety of exercises that encourage fluid and creative writing. There is never pressure to share writing, but writers have always asked to share and enjoyed hearing from each other. The groups become intimate communities and are safe environments for conversation and admiration.

I have been holding these sessions for three years and it is thrilling to see the ways writers grow with consistent practice. Creative writing benefits all other writing, without the pressure or freezing that sometimes comes from the thought of writing papers for school. In my experience as a college teacher, practice not only changes the work writers produce but enhances their confidence and desire to write. There is so little creative writing time in school, and writers come to the workshops full of energy and ideas, excited to have permission to let their minds run free.

$350 for 8 sessions
Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays, although other days are also possible depending on availability of participants

For more information, please contact me

Monique Hamze

private or semi-private writing lessons also available

Thank you!

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