Thank you from Mayfair!

Thank you to the hundreds of Heath families who made Saturday's Mayfair such a special community event. And a special thank you to the 100 VOLUNTEERS who worked so hard, bringing great energy to running activities for the kids, toughing it out cooking and moving heavy tables in the rain, or doing crucial organizing to get people their tickets and food.

Mayfair holds a special place in the hearts of so many families, and we think those hearts grew three sizes yesterday.

We're also thrilled to report that all of our hard work paid off financially. When everything is tallied up, less expenses, we'll have raised $10-15K for the PTO. For a rainy day after a four year hiatus from Mayfair, that's amazing. This money will be used to fund field trips, special guests and faculty grants that benefit our kids.

The planning for Mayfair was coordinated by a VERY small committee of parent volunteers over the past many months, and they would love to have more help next year. If you thought Mayfair was awesome, and want to bring your talents to the Mayfair committee, please let us know by emailing us at You don't have to 100% commit now, but we want to remember to reach out to you when the time comes.

Thanks again to the Heath community. Yesterday was an awesome day.

Mayfair 2023 Mayfair 2023Mayfair 2023 Mayfair 2023 Mayfair 2023 Mayfair 2023 Mayfair 2023 Mayfair 2023

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The Hayes Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Roland Hayes School. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!