Thank You PTO Volunteers for the 2022-2023 School Year

The PTO is so grateful to all that have helped out this year. For those who helped as room parents, International Night nation guides, Science Fair judges, event organizers, and PTO leaders we have recognized your efforts by working with Ms. Anderson, the Heath librarian, to dedicate books donated by the PTO to the library in your names.

The nameplates are going in the books purchased with PTO grant money for the annual Massachusetts Children's Book Awards (MCBA). Each year, grades 4-6 read as many of the books as possible in order to vote for a favorite. They vote along with thousands of other students across Massachusetts. These books are highly popular and frequently checked out. Once the MCBA awards are complete, the books are available to all 3rd-8th graders to check out for the rest of the year and copies remain in the school library and bookroom in perpetuity.

Thank you, PTO volunteers. We could not have done so much this year without you.

Thank You PTO Volunteers Book Dedications Thank You PTO Volunteers Book DedicationsThank You PTO Volunteers Book Dedications Thank You PTO Volunteers Book Dedications

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Why support your PTO?

The Hayes Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Roland Hayes School. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!