So Many Bikes at the Fall 2022 Walk, Bike, Bus, and Roll to School Day
Posted: 10/13/2022 1:33 pm
So much biking at Heath!
It was Safe Routes to School's annual fall Walk, Bike, Bus, and Roll to School Day this past Wednesday, October 12, 2022, and there were a ton of bikes on the Heath School campus.
In addition to the normal walking and biking crowd, BHS 9th grade English teacher Eric Colburn led a bunch of BHS students on a bike ride from Heath to BHS and got some publicity for his efforts. Mr. Colburn was inspired by the super popular #BikeBus efforts of Sam Balto, a PE teacher and biking enthusiast in the Portland, OR area who was also recently featured on NBC Nightly News.
It also happened to be the 7th grade field trip to Hammond Pond, and so the vast majority of 7th graders biked to school and were preparing to bike to Hammond Pond that morning.
What a wonderful sight on a beautiful morning at the Heath School.
Check out the Family Travel Survey Report
Want to learn more about how walking, biking, busing, and rolling to school improves connectivity in our community, eases congestion, and raises awareness about the impact that fuel emissions have on the environment? Check out the other work by Brookline Safe Routes to School.
Want to dive in even further? Take a look at the report of last year's Family Travel Survey:
Heath SRTS Family Travel Survey Report, March 2022
We would love to hear your thoughts on the report. How can our Heath community utilize this information to "identify the right strategies and best opportunities for new projects and investments related to reducing traffic congestion, encouraging walking and biking, and increasing safety around your school"? Email to share your perspective.
And if you are able to do more, help us promote safe and fun ways to get to school by organizing a walking school bus or bike train with your students and their neighbors. Be sure to share the fun with us.
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