Helping Heath: Schoolyard Clean-Up

Thank you so much for supporting our effort to maintain a clean Heath schoolyard. Not only will it help to beautify our campus but the student involvement will naturally create more respect and concern for a healthy environment.

  1. Access this survey and choose a slot (or five!) for a 15-minute commitment on any Tuesday or Friday in October and November, starting this week. If you are accompanying your student — great! — sign yourselves up for two spots.

  2. Meet immediately after school at the main entrance on your chosen date. You may make new friends!

  3. To minimize the number of people indoors, please have 1 person in your group go into the office to retrieve the picker-uppers and trash bags. Our supply station is located to the left of the Chromebooks and our gecko Hawk:

    Heath Schoolyard Clean-up Picker-Uppers Location

  4. When picking up trash, circle the entire campus – back, front, and the 2 side fields.

  5. Drop off your filled trash bags by the bin behind the cafeteria:

    Heath Schoolyard Clean-up Trash Bin Location

  6. Have 1 person return the picker-uppers to the office.

If it rains on your designated day, please consider a make-up day that accommodates your schedule as the supplies will always be in the office.

Any questions, concerns, or suggestions on how to make this better, contact either Lisa Yuen Rhoads or Theodora Konetsovska. Thank you thank you thank you!

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The Hayes Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Roland Hayes School. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!