Back-to-School Social a Huge Success
Posted: 10/6/2021 11:12 am
Despite having to move to our rain date, the Heath School PTO Back-to-School Ice Cream Social was a huge success. A ton of people came out on a beautiful fall evening to enjoy the yummy treats provided by Boston's Frosty Ice Cream.
A big thank you to the 1st Grade parents who provided chalk, to Mr. Patel for providing the sound system and other necessities to pull the event off, and to the Heath custodian Mark Powers for making sure everything was in order at the event and afterward. Thank you also to the Heath teachers who got all the students excited about the event. And to the PTO leaders and other Heath families who provided balloons and other decorations, games, music, spirit wear, and also stayed late to help clean up. We appreciate you all!
Upcoming Events
- Monday, November 25
- Tuesday, November 26
- Wednesday, November 27
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- Wednesday, December 18
- Monday, December 23
- Tuesday, December 24
- Wednesday, December 25
- Thursday, December 26
- Friday, December 27
Why support your PTO?
The Hayes Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Roland Hayes School. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!