Room Parents

Consider volunteering for this important role in the coming year. To sign up to be a room parent for this school year, please email our Room Parent Coordinator your full name, your cell phone number, your child’s name, and your child’s classroom assignment:

Email the Room Parent Coordinator

Room Parent Fall Responsibilities

  • Meet with the teachers at the beginning of the school year.
  • Introduce yourselves at the Open House as the room parents to the classroom parents and caregivers.
  • Try to obtain a complete class list as soon as possible.
  • Encourage all parents in your class to sign up on the Hayes PTO online directory in order to facilitate communication, or to give you their contact information.
  • Coordinate a class potluck event in the Fall (many classes have done this at Warren Field if folks don’t wish to do it indoors or in someone’s yard). This can be parents only or parents and kids particularly for the younger classes.
  • Consider honoring the teacher and paras on his or her birthday.
  • Send out a get to know questionnaire to your teacher at the beginning of the school year and share with the class if it’s okay with the teacher.

Room Parent Year-Long Responsibilities

  • Encourage parents to attend PTO meetings. You can send an email with a “Save the Date” at the beginning of the year with these specific dates so that parents can plan ahead.
  • Assist teachers as needed in recruiting volunteers for field trips, in-class activities, etc.
  • Aid communication for families through class specific communications from teacher or PTO leadership.
  • Check in with teacher(s) periodically about classroom needs or help.
  • Coordinate class gifts for teachers and paraprofessionals midyear and at the end of the year. Remember gifts are from the whole class or grade (middle school) whether or not families contribute.
  • Communicate any new wish-lists the teachers may create with the class.
  • Coordinate class meetups for students and/or parents by class or grade through the year.

Grade-Specific Responsibilities

  • 7th grade room parent(s) host the 8th grade graduation reception.
  • 8th grade room parent(s) help coordinate the communications necessary to support the 8th grade trip and graduation. Fundraising efforts are shared by parents and 8th grade students.

All School Room Parent Fall Responsibilities

  • Reach out to all specialists and Dr. Sevelius at the beginning of the school year to introduce yourselves.

All School Room Parent Year-Long Responsibilities

  • Assist front office, specialists and educators as needed in recruiting volunteers for activities, projects, etc.
  • Aide communication for families through class specific communications from specialists or PTO leadership.
  • Check in with specialists periodically about classroom needs or help.
  • Communicate any new wishlists the specialists may create for December and for Spring

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Why support your PTO?

The Hayes Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Roland Hayes School. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!