News and Events
Hayes Science Fair 2024 Recap
3/4/2024 8:12 am
Congratulations to all participants in Hayes' fifth annual Science Fair which took place this Saturday! We enjoyed the ingenuity and hard work of students from grades K through 8, and once again had a record number of participants - 92 students representing 48 projects in a wide variety of research areas.
Hello, Superstar! Girls on the Run is coming to The Hayes School this Spring!
3/4/2024 7:20 am
A Girls on the Run (GOTR) season looks like this:
- Your team meets twice a week for eight weeks
- Caring coaches lead fun lessons and games, group discussions, and physical activities
- Each team dreams up and completes a Community Impact Project that helps make the world a better place
- You will cross the finish line with your team in an exciting and joyful 5K in June!
Hayes Boston Family Connections Game Night 2024 Recap
2/19/2024 4:08 pm
Thank you families and volunteers for making our Hayes Boston Family Connections annual Game Night a huge success! There was music, line dancing, crafts, games and hot chocolate with all the essential toppings. More importantly, this event provided an opportunity to build community, families getting to know one another. We look forward to next year's game night. If you are interested in learning more about the Boston Family Connections Committee you can reach out to Rasheedah Clayton (5P) at
Winter Variety Show a Success
2/12/2024 9:26 am
Congratulations on a successful and fun Winter Variety Show! We had a total of 16 performances from kids in K, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Performances included a magic show, piano and violin, dance and even original songs! We will have it again in December 2024!
Coach Girls on the Run!
2/5/2024 12:20 am
The local Girls on the Run club needs a coach. If you are interested, see the flier below for more information and a link to sign up.
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, March 1
- Friday, March 14
- Wednesday, April 2
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 18
- Monday, April 21
- Tuesday, April 22
- Wednesday, April 23
- Thursday, April 24
- Friday, April 25
- Thursday, May 1
Your tax-deductible donations help ensure our school community stays connected and continues to have the resources needed to thrive.
Why support your PTO?
The Hayes Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Roland Hayes School. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!