News and Events
Great Turnout for First PTO Community Meeting of the 2022-2023 School Year
10/11/2022 8:31 am
It was a great turnout for the first PTO community meeting of the 2022-2023 school year. We met in person in the Heath cafeteria, shared about a variety of volunteer opportunities and upcoming events, heard updates from Dr. Sevelius on MCAS, the school re-naming process, and more.
Back-to-School Social 2022 was Awesome
10/3/2022 9:37 am
It was lovely to see so many families come out for our annual Back-to-School Social at Heath last Friday night. We had music, lawn games, and the trusted Frosty Ice Cream truck that delivered delicious ice cream. So nice to see so many friendly faces and once again so thankful we can do these events in-person.
Helping Heath: Schoolyard Cleanup 2022-23
9/9/2022 7:26 am
Please sign up to help keep the Heath schoolyard clean:
Congrats to 4th Grade Families for their Heath Hawk Fund Participation
6/17/2022 7:31 am
Congratulations to our current 4th grade families! For the third year in a row, they have had the highest percentage of families donating to the Heath Hawk Fund, the PTO’s annual fundraising appeal. To show the PTO's appreciation, the 4th grade students were treated to a popsicle party during their normal recess time. Thank you for your continued generosity. Our children's education and community is all the better because of you. Go Hawks!
Great Weather and Turnout for the Heath PTO Outdoor Movie Night 2022
6/5/2022 11:30 am
Movie night was a ton of fun in a beautiful venue with great weather. Thank you to all that came out to enjoy and for your flexibility as we changed the date to avoid the wet weather. And special thanks go to Joseph Belisle (5th grade) who sold lemonade, Lisa Yuen Rhoads who sold cotton candy, and the 8th grade for doing a great job providing snacks and helping to clean up after.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 14
- Wednesday, April 2
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 18
- Monday, April 21
- Tuesday, April 22
- Wednesday, April 23
- Thursday, April 24
- Friday, April 25
- Thursday, May 1
- Friday, May 16
Your tax-deductible donations help ensure our school community stays connected and continues to have the resources needed to thrive.
Why support your PTO?
The Hayes Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Roland Hayes School. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!