Community Bulletin Board
Brookline Thrives Updates & Needs, Week of Jan 2-6, 2023
1/7/2023 10:44 am
Happy New Year! We hope everyone enjoyed the holidays, full of lights, friends and family. We have several open volunteer spots this first week of January - a perfect opportunity to kick start your new year's resolutions by volunteering with us! Have a college student home on break? Send them to us!
B-PEN New Year's Resolutions for Parents
1/6/2023 1:57 pm
Resolving to talk more often with your teens about healthy decisions & choices is a great idea for the New Year. B-PEN suggests considering these 10 basic New Year's resolutions for parents.
B-PEN Small Conversations Make a Big Difference
12/19/2022 1:06 pm
When it comes to issues of concern, from healthy relationships to substance use, lots of brief, more casual conversations can be more effective than ‘THE BIG TALK.’ B-PEN suggests a great, short primer on getting the ball rolling…
and another to help with outlining goals …
PSB SY23-24 Kindergarten Information Session
12/7/2022 7:19 pm
Registration for the upcoming Kindergarten class is slated to begin in January 2023. In preparation, the PSB Office of Registration and Enrollment will be hosting two virtual information sessions on the enrollment process - the first is scheduled for next Tuesday, December 13, from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. PSB is committed to ensuring that our newest families and students have a smooth and successful transition to the first day of school in Brookline. Folks may also elect to sign up directly by visiting
Boston Children’s Hospital Milk Study
12/4/2022 9:00 pm
Drink Milk! Advance Science! Earn Money! Boston Children’s Hospital is conducting a research study to compare the effects of whole milk and nonfat milk on 9-12 year old children’s nutrition and health. Learn about enrollment at
Brookline Youth Lacrosse Program Spring 2023
11/21/2022 11:34 am
Brookline Youth Lacrosse registration is now open for Spring 2023! The program begins in 1st grade for girls and kindergarten for boys. No prior experience is necessary. Registration does fill up, so sign up early. Please visit Brookline Rec to register. Practice is twice weekly, and games are on Sundays. Please reach out to (girls program) or (boy program) with questions. Hope to see you on the field!
Brookline Thrives Updates & Needs Nov 2022
11/14/2022 7:47 pm
Nearly 500 Thrives bags are being distributed every week! That means almost 500 children are receiving the additional food they need over the weekend to better support their nutrition and help fuel them for the school week. Brookline Thrives can make this happen because of all of you, through your generosity of time and financial support. Thank you!
BAC's 2023 Winter Registration
11/14/2022 7:39 pm
This winter, the Brookline Arts Center (BAC) will be offering a range of art classes for all ages. This includes, but is not limited to, photography, ceramics, mixed media, painting, jewelry and metals, and figure drawing. Tuition assistance is available!
Brookline Readers & Leaders Wednesdays @ 7:30pm
11/14/2022 4:45 pm
The Brookline Readers & Leaders host weekly Storytime Zooms and support student advocacy projects throughout Brookline schools.
Free Public Speaking & Debate Workshop During Vacation Break!
11/14/2022 4:31 pm
Sign up for a free Public Speaking and Debate Workshop on December 27, 28, 29 (Lexington, Newton and Online), hosted by Lumos Debate! Your child will love Lumos's friendly instructors and fun activities.
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, February 15
- Monday, February 17
- Friday, February 21
- Saturday, March 1
- Friday, March 14
- Wednesday, April 2
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 18
- Monday, April 21
- Tuesday, April 22
- Wednesday, April 23
Your tax-deductible donations help ensure our school community stays connected and continues to have the resources needed to thrive.
Why support your PTO?
The Hayes Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Roland Hayes School. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!