Hayes Boston Family Connections Game Night 2024
The Hayes Boston Family Connection is a committee that creates opportunities for Boston and Brookline families to connect. The group's signature event is Family Game Night!
Join in on February 7th, 6-7:30pm in the cafeteria and gym for the 4th annual Hayes Family Game Night. Come and enjoy Giant UNO, LEGOs, arts and crafts, Twister, and more. Pizza, hot chocolate bar, and snacks too.
Please also considering volunteering for a shift or two to help make this event a success:
For more information, you can reach out to Rasheedah Clayton at (617) 799-6790 or claytonrasheedah@gmail.com.
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, March 1
- Friday, March 14
- Wednesday, April 2
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 18
- Monday, April 21
- Tuesday, April 22
- Wednesday, April 23
- Thursday, April 24
- Friday, April 25
- Thursday, May 1
Why support your PTO?
The Hayes Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at the Roland Hayes School. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!